Department Of Animal Husbandry

Dr. R.Vijayan M.V.Sc., Ph.D., F.V.A.Sc.

Visiting Professor (Veterinary &Animal Husbandry)

Area of Specialization: Veterinary Clinical Medicine
Course Handled: Livestock and Poultry Management

Department of Crop Management

Dr. Senthil Kumar A, Ph.D with ASRB - NET

Assistant Professor – Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry

Area of Specialization: Crop residue, Moisture regime and Nutrient management
Course Handled: 1. Fundamentals of Soil Science,
2. Soil Resource Inventory,
3. Problematic Soils and Their Management,
4. Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management,
5. Crop and Pesticide Chemistry,
6. Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry
7. On Farm Advisory on Soil Health, Water Quality and Plant Nutrition

Mr.Vinothraj. J, M.Sc.(Ag.)

Assistant Professor(Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry)

Area of Specialization: Soil fertility and Crop residue management
Course Handled: 1.Fundamentals of Soil science(2+1),
2.Soil Resource Inventory(1+1),
3.Soil Fertility, fertilizers and manures(2+1),
4.Geo-Informatics for Precision farming(1+0),
5.Problematic soils and their management(2+0),
6.Crop and Pesticide chemistry(2+2)

Mrs.P.Sangeetha, M.Sc.(Ag.).

Assistant Professor (Agricultural Microbiology)

Area of Specialization: Biofertilizers,Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt)
Course Handled: 1.Fundamentals of Microbiology
2.Agricultural Microbiology
3.Project Work
4.Experiential Learning programme

Ms.ATHMEEHA S M.Sc. Horticulture

Assistant Professor (Horticulture)

Area of specialization: Horticulture (Vegetable science)
Course handled: 1. Production technology for Vegetables and Spices
2. Post Harvest Management and value addition of Fruits and Vegetables

Dr.J.Purushothaman, Ph.D with ASRB-NET

Assistant Professor (Horticulture)

Area of Specialization: Molecular breeding and Vegetable hybridization

Ms.K.Mathavi, B.Tech (Agrl.Engg)

Teaching Assistant (Agrl. Engineering)

Area of Specialization: Farm implements and food packaging material’s
Course Handled: 1. Soil and water conservation Engineering,
2. Renewable Energy and green technology

Dr. C. David Devadhas M.Sc. (Ag), M.B.A, Ph.D

Guest Faculty

Area of Specialization: Arboriculture, Turf, Plant propagation, Landscape Design, Floriculture
Course Handled: 1. Landscaping and ornamental Horticulture,
2. Floriculture,
3. Nursery Techniques and propagation
4. Management of Horticulture crops
5. Fundamentals of Horticulture
6. Turf laying and management
7. Tree planting and management

Ms.R.Balasree M.Sc.,(Agri)

Assistant professor (Agronomy)

Area of specialization: Agrometeorology
Course Handled:1. AGR 101 Fundamentals of Agronomy and Agricultural Heritage(1+1)
2. AGR 102 Introductory Agro-meteorology & Climate Change(1+1)
3. AGR201 crop production technology I (Kharif crops) (1+1)
4. AGR 203 crop production technology II (rabi crops) (1+1)

Ms. T. Abhinaya M.Sc., (Agri)

Assistant Professor (Agronomy)

Area of specialization: Weed Science, Nutrient management and IFS
Course Handled: 1. AGR 201 Crop Production Technology I (Kharif Crops) (1+1)
2. AGR 351 Weed and Water management (1+1)

Mr. Karimullah. M. M.Sc.,(Agri)

Assistant professor (Agronomy)

Area of specialization: Irrigation and Weed Science
Course Handled: AGR301 Practical Crop Production- I (Kharif crops) (0+2)

Mrs.R.EZHIL ARASI,M.Sc.,B.Ed.,M.Phil

Assistant professor (Biochemistry)

Area of specialization:Biochemistry
Course Handled:Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry

Department of Crop Improvement

Dr.Greetty Williams, Ph.D with ASRB-NET

Assistant Professor (Genetics and Plant Bleeding)

Area of Specialization: Tissue culture, germplasm characterization and evaluation
Course Handled: 1.Introduction to Agricultural Botany
2.Fundamentals of Genetics
3.Fundamentals of Plant Breeding
4.Crop Improvement
5.Plant Genetic Resources – Collection, conservation and utilization

Mrs. E. Punitha M.Sc.,(Agri)

Assistant Professor (Agrl. Biotechnology )

Area of Specialization: Plant Molecular Biology
Course Handled: 1. Plant Biotechnology
2. Fundamentals and Applications of Nanotechnology
3. Fundamentals of Crop Physiology

Dr.G.P.Chinnasamy, Ph.D with ASRB-NET

Assistant Professor (Seed Science & Technology)

Area of Specialization: Seed Quality Testing and Seed Vigour
Course Handled: Principles of Seed Technology

Department of Crop Protection

Dr. M. Syamala, Ph.D. with ASRB – NET

Associate Professor (Plant Pathology)

Area of Specialization: Plant Bacteriology
Course Handled: 1.Fundamentals of Plant Pathology, 2.Principles of Integrated Plant Disease Management, 3.Diseases of Field Crops and Their Management, 4.Diseases of horticultural crops and their management 5.Diseases of field and horticultural crops and their management -I, 6.Experiencial learning, 7.Project in plant pathology

Dr. J. Gowri Prakash, Ph.D. with ASRB – NET

Assistant Professor (Agrl. Entomology)

Area of Specialization: Insect Taxonomy
Course Handled: Pests of Horticultural crops, Stored produces and their management

Dr.V.P. Mavilashaw, Ph.D. with ASRB-NET

Assistant Professor (Agriculture Entomology)

Area of Specialization: Sericulture
Course Handled: 1. AEN 201 Fundamentals of Entomology (2+1)
2. AEN 202 Management of Beneficial and Harmful Insects (2+1)
3. AEN 202 Economic Entomology and Principles of Insect Pest Management (2+1)
4. SER 202 Principles and Practices of Sericulture (1+1)
5. EXP 301 Commercial Bee Keeping (0+5)

Dr.K.Vinothini, Ph.D with ASRB-NET

Assistant Professor (Plant Pathology)

Area of Specialization: Mycology, Biological Control, Plant Molecular Biology, Molecular Docking and Metagenomics.
Course Handled: 1. Principles of Integrated Plant Diseases Management,
2. Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their management

Department of Social Science

Mr.A.Joney Prasad,M.Sc(Ag.),D.F.T.,PGDHRM.

Assistant Professor (Agricultural Extension)

Area of Specialization: HR Development, Training, Agricultural Extension
Course Handled: 1.Fundamentals of Rural sociology and educational psychology, 2.National Service Scheme, 3.Development Education, 4.Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education, 5.Dimensions of Agricultural Extension, 6.Communication Skills and Personality Development, 7.Extension Methodologies & Transfer of Agricultural Technology, 8.Rural Agricultural Work Experience, 9.All India Study Tour, 10.Project Work

Dr.J.Roselyn, M.Sc, Ph.D

Assistant Professor (Agricultural Economics)

Area of Specialization: Agricultural production
Course Handled: 1. Principles of Agricultural Economics,
2. Agricultural Finance and Co-Operation

Mrs. G. Shelina Jhansi, MCA

Assistant Professor (Computer Science)

Area of Specialization: Computer Applications
Course Handled: AgroInformatics

Mrs. Ramalakshmi K, M.Sc., M.Phil., B.Ed.

Assistant Professor (Mathematics)

Area of Specialization: Mathematics
Course Handled: 1.Elementary Mathematics
2.Statistical methods

Mr.G.Jeba Singh,M.A,M.P.Ed,M.Phil.

Physical Director

Area of Specialization: Basket Ball,Athletics
Course Handled: 1.Physical Education

Mr. A.Subramanian B.Sc.,M.A.(YHE).

Area of Specialization: Yoga
Course Handled:
1. Simplified Exercises
2. Meditation
3.Kayakalpa practice
4.Personality development
5.Yoga for youth empowerment.

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