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Our college has received ICAR accreditation Marquee

Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   Our college has received ICAR accreditation on 10th February 2025   |   

About Us

The Indian Agriculture College was established by Joshua Educational & Charitable Trust and it got the approval from Tamil Nadu Govt. G.O. (Ms) No :172/2016 and affiliated to Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (No:EI/AC/10910/2016). We have to bring students into new relationship to food that connects them to Culture & Agriculture

Management Team


Chairman - Dr.S.A. Joy Raja, M.B.A,Ph.D (USA)

As his father, he is also a visionary and missionary in the field of quality Education . He is graduated in Computer Science and Engineering and Master of Business Administration from USA . He also worked in MNCs in Canada and USA.He has served as consultant for several Multinational projects across Globe.With this background ,he implements all his experiences and his innovative ideas and thoughts into translating our institution into a temple of learning.


Advisor - Dr. E. I. Jonathan M.Sc. (Ag.), Ph.D, PDF(USA).

Dr. E. I. Jonathan had M. Sc. (Ag.) degree in Agricultural Entomology and subsequently Ph.D. in Plant Nematology at TNAU, Coimbatore. Undergone Post Doctoral Research at North Carolina State University, USA during 1998. He has completed 37 years of service involving, research, teaching and guided 24 M.Sc. (Ag.) and 19 Ph.D. students. He has published 12 books and 116 research papers in reputed National and International Journals.

During his tenure (2009-2013) as Director, Centre for Plant Protection Studies, TNAU, Coimbatore he contributed for major agronomic, ecological and economic break through in Agriculture by employing classical biocontrol for an invasive mealybug. He has organized National and International conferences in Tamil Nadu. He has successfully completed several Government of India funded projects (DBT, DST, ICAR and NADP) as Principal Investigator.


Principal- Dr.S.Manickavasagam M.Sc(Agri), Ph.D, PDF(UK)

Dr. S. Manickavasagam had his B.Sc. (Ag) and M.Sc. (Ag) in Agricultural Entomology from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, and Ph.D. from IARI, New Delhi. Done Post-Doctoral Research at Natural History Museum, London availing the prestigious Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship during 2007. Served as a Visiting Scientist at Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. Since his Ph.D. in 1991, he has been concentrating on “Biodiversity of Insect Parasitoids” and described nearly 100 new species of insect parasitoids.

During his tenure at the Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University for over 28 years, he has mobilized more than 3 crores of rupees from external funding agencies and was instrumental in creating many specialized laboratories for doing Entomological Research. The notable ones are for Insect Taxonomy and Biological control. He has initiated a unique “Insect Museum” containing lakhs of insect specimens where all insect orders known from India are housed and displayed including the immatures. Insect Parasitoid collections are unique and even praised by global experts. About 25 species of chalcid parasitoids have been coded and deposited with Genebank and got the accession numbers.

He has travelled to more than 15 countries to share his research findings / visit advanced laboratories. Published more than 160 papers in National and International journals, 10 books/book chapters and has a descent i-10 and h- indices. He has guided 14 Ph.D. and 31 M.Sc. (Ag) scholars. Recipient of honours like FRES, FESI, FPPAI, FSBA, Prof. T.N. Ananthakrishnan Award-2014 and Rao Sahib Dr. T. V. Ramakrishna Ayyar memorial award-2021.


High Tech Lab facilities and Good Infrastructure

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Jul. 15th 21

Candidates may send CV with Photo to career@rajas.edu for the following Position: 1.Assistant Professor (Statistics) - 2 Nos.

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Admission Open 2024-25

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Eligibility: Students who studied one of the following groups in Higher Secondary (+2) are eligible to apply Group I: Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

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Governing Council

Nov. 15th 21

Functions of the Council The Governing Council besides being the supreme administrative authority of the college, shall have the following additional functions: To monitor the academic and other related activities of the college.

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